JWIPC, as the leading brand of IoT industry master control solutions and personal/commercial PC, its brand design contains many meanings. The letter "i" stands ouJWIPC 电话:0755-23981806 深圳市智微智能科技股份有限公司品牌介绍深圳市智微智能科技股份有限公司(简称:智微智能,股票代码:001339),是物联网数字化核心方
(-__-)b 深圳市智微智能科技股份有限公司(智微JWIPC)是国内物联网硬件解决方案商的开拓者和领航者,国家级高新技术企业。智微JWIPC产品涉及工业主板、BOX整机、工业整机、工业显示器、云终端、加速卡、服务JWIPC H610I 消费级第12 代英特尔® 主板基于英特尔® H610 芯片组设计,支持英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/酷睿™ i5/酷睿™ i3/英特尔® 奔腾®/英特尔® 赛扬® 系列处理器、双通道DDR4 内存以及NVME
As one of the leading IoT hardware companies in China, JWIPC specializes in internet of things hardware and focuses on the stability of IoT hardware devices. We are the IoT hardware JWIPC 已选条件:确定取消更多多选类型:机架服务器移动工作站工作站配件工控机其他确定取消更多多选内存容量:4GB 8GB 其他16GB 确定取消更多多选处理器:intel i7 其他
JWIPC, as the leading brand of IoT industry master control solutions and personal/commercial PC, its brand design contains many meanings. The letter "i" stands out in the logo design爱企查为您提供JWIPC2023年企业商标信息查询,包括企业商标注册信息、商标logo,商标类别等企业商标信息查询,让您更轻松的了解JWIPC商标信息,查询更多关于JWIPC商标信息就到爱企查官网!
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